Modifiers allow editors to change the presentation of content by altering the background, colours and other aspects of the content. No custom theming is required for these effects as they are all editor configurable.
Custom linear gradient modifier
Adds a background gradient to the component. Colours and gradient direction are configurable.
Custom radial gradient modifier
Adds a radial background gradient to the component. Colours and gradient direction are configurable.
Parallax background modifier
Adds a background image to the component which will have a parallax animation applied to the image as the user scrolls up and down the page.
Image background modifier
Adds a background image to the component.
Colour background modifier
Adds a background colour to the component.
Scroll reveal modifier
Scroll reveal modifier reveals items one after the others with a time interval.
Item 1
Item 1 body.
Item 2
Item 2 body
Item 3
Item 3 body
Item 4
Item 4 body