Consultation on assessment methods and data sources
Consultation on assessment methods and data sources
The main consultation with states on assessment methods and data sources occurred in 2 tranches. The Commission released Tranche 1 consultation papers in June 2023 and Tranche 2 consultation papers in October 2023. Submissions from state treasuries on the Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 consultation papers were received in October 2023 and March 2024, respectively.
The Commission conducted in-person state visits in late 2023 and early 2024, which provided opportunities for states to present further information to the Commission. In addition, some states provided supplementary submissions responding to other states’ views.
This Draft Report includes indicative GST impacts for assessments where a change to 2020 Review methods is proposed or if there is an impact on methods due to the inclusion of revised or new data.
Indicative GST impacts are calculated using the 3 assessment years of the 2024 Update and applying proposed method changes.
Indicative GST impacts are provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be used to predict the GST distribution for 2025–26. The GST impacts in the Commission’s Final Report will include updated data and will differ from the illustrative impacts in this report.